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Better Late Than Never

Right from my childhood, whenever I start something new, I always think, why have I not started it earlier ? Initially, it saddened me a lot. I considered myself an Anti-Opportunistic person, who never entered into anything good when it is proper time to enter. I used to blame myself and people around me for not letting me try new things.

Even today, when I have started to write something (on a blog), it is giving me the same feeling of Anti-Opportunity. I am feeling sad and thinking that I could have started this earlier. 

But,there is a good say in English which has always been my motivation. "Better Late Than Never". Rather, this is probably the only motivation for me. It encourages me to think that 'Starting' is important. It is never right time or wrong time to start something new. Starting at some point of time is important. Regretting about not starting something on the 'so called' correct moment is actually preventing me from starting that thing at all.
So this time as well, I am saying "Better Late Than Never" and entering this new world of blogging. 

Bloggers usually say that Writing has always been their passion and they always wanted to write. Well, this doesn't apply to me. Writing was never my passion. Maybe, it would be so in the future. But 'Expressing Myself' has always been my passion. I have been expressing myself till now. But that was to a limited audience. "Self Expression" never went beyond friends, family and colleagues. But now this new Beginning of mine will allow me to express myself in a better way, or at least I can hope so. I am optimistic about that.

Coming to the name of the Blog - Lionize The Trivial, literally it means 'Giving Lot of Attention and Approval to Insignificant or Minor thing'. Here again, a good say in English has given me some hint - "It is always the simple that produces the Marvelous". Personally, I have seen that 'so called' insignificant things actually occupy crux of the matter and decide the direction of future. So, I thought of giving a try to explore the Importance of Trivial things and highlight them, hence the name - Lionize The Trivial.

Well, to conclude with a 'Happy Ending' , I hope that I can acclimatize myself to this new environment soon and be of some use to it. I also hope that I will be able to 'Express Myself' using this tool and it will also prove useful to me. 

So, see you soon, till then adiĆ³s amigos !!

(P.S. - As one of my upcoming posts will elaborate, Feedback is very important for Improvement. So, I urge to give me your valuable feedback which will help me improve myself. I hope you'll enjoy reading this blog)  



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