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The interview with God !

All of us have given examinations since our childhood. Be it a simple painting competition at the age of 4 or an interview for a big-tech job or ivy-league school at the age of 25, exams are ubiquitous ! Everyone has to undergo an exam at every stage in life, to prove their worth, to justify what they did, to show progress in terms of numbers, to get promoted, to get paid, basically to be successful. Exams are those means for us all to get that, almost immediate, sense of achievement after we have done our part.   If we look at the world today, we see different entities nested in each other. There are nations, then there are economies. Corporations/businesses are nested inside economies, with business units inside them. So goes on till teams within business units and individuals in those teams. This is a simple construct adopted by humans to understand the grand schemes of things. In order to measure the success of entities in this grand scheme of things, exams and their results are us
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